Episode 21: Grover Norquist Says It's Time to END the IRS
Did you know that many of the 13 colonies were founded as tax havens from the British? Or that our Founding Fathers declared...
Episode 20: Can the Government Steal Your Stuff? Yes. It's Called Civil Asset Forfeiture. (Par
In the last podcast episode, I talked about how law enforcement agencies at the local, state and federal levels have been misusing U.S....
Episode 19: Can the Government Steal Your Stuff? Yes. It's Called Civil Asset Forfeiture. (Par
Can law enforcement take your stuff? Even if you've committed no crime? Yes they can. Can they take money right out of your hands? ...
Episode 17 & 18: The Political Genius of George Washington
In this two part follow up to my President's Day podcast, I explore one of George Washington's greatest talents and perhaps the talent...
Episode 16: George Washington Deserves His Own Day
In this President's Day episode, I'll provide a brief history of the holiday and talk about how our founding father George Washington has...
Episodes 14-15: Crazy Anti-Police Protesters Say the Darndest Things
Following the episode on Nelson Mandela, I received several emails saying that I was too harsh in my criticism of Al Sharpton and certain...
Episode 13: Bonus - The Wit & Wisdom of Winston Churchill
As we discussed in the last podcast, one of the keys to Churchill’s greatness was his gift for oratory. He possessed an eloquence and...
Episode 12: Churchill on Leadership with guest Dr. Steven F. Hayward
50 years ago the world mourned the passing of the greatest leader of the 20th Century - Sir Winston S. Churchill. On the anniversary of...

Episode 11: Stephen Hadley, Former National Security Advisor to President Bush, on ISIS, Russia And
In this episode, I ask Stephen Hadley, the
Episode 10: Bonus - 9 Lessons in Leadership from Nelson Mandela
In the previous episode, I touched on a few of the qualities that set Nelson Mandela apart from other revolutionaries of his era. A...
Episode 9: African-Americans Deserve A Nelson Mandela, Not an Al Sharpton
In my recent interview with Fox News correspondent Jennifer Griffin, we discussed her experience as a journalist in South Africa covering...
Episode 7: Congresswoman Marsha Blackburn on FDA Regulation of Mobile Health and Fitness Apps
Mobile health and fitness apps (also known as m-health apps) have become a $20 billion business. They allow you track your excercise and...