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Rerun: The Daily Show's Trevor Noah

Today's episode is a rerun of a previous podcast that aired December 3, 2018 with guest Trevor Noah. Trevor talks about his standup special TREVOR NOAH: SON OF PATRICIA and why he dedicated it to his mom whom he calls “the first comedian that he ever saw” and “most gangster human being you’ll ever meet in your life.” He discusses growing up in South Africa during Apartheid, the power of humor to fight oppression, and why he believes that hateful words aren’t nearly as important as addressing the hate itself. He shares how the 2016 election affected his own vision for THE DAILY SHOW, why the current President reminds him of certain African dictators, and how he deciphers what’s news and what’s nonsense in the age of Trump. Plus Trevor talks about interviewing President Barak Obama, whether he would be down to do the same with Donald Trump, and the question that he would most like ask the 45th President.

Watch THE DAILY SHOW WITH TREVOR NOAH every weeknight at 11PM ET on Comedy Central. Visit for more on Trevor including upcoming tour dates, and follow him on twitter at @TrevorNoah. Visit Kickass News at, subscribe to Kickass News on Apple Podcasts, and follow us on twitter at @KickassNewsPod.

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