EP 139: Brain Warriors Dr. Daniel & Tana Amen Share Tips for Better Brain Health
Dr. Daniel and Tana Amen are leading brain health experts and the best-selling authors of The Brain Warrior's Way: Ignite Your Energy and Focus, Attack Illness and Aging, Transform Pain into Purpose. Today they reveal how everything from junk food and cable news to smart phones and alcohol are eating away at our brains every day. They give some helpful advice about the foods and even herbs and spices that can give your brain a boost. They discuss what exercises and activities are not just great for your body, but specifically improve brain function. They talk about some of the secrets to fighting aging and reveal what has been scientifically proven to be the single largest predictor of longevity. Plus they dispel a variety of brain health fads, they extol the virtues of periodic fasting, and explain how the food industry uses neuroscience to manipulate you into buying products that are bad for you.
If you enjoyed today’s episode then subscribe to Daniel and Tana Amen’s new podcast The Brain Warrior’s Way Podcast on iTunes. You can order their book The Brain Warrior's Way: Ignite Your Energy and Focus, Attack Illness and Aging, Transform Pain into Purpose on Amazon or you can download the audio version for free through a special offer for our listeners at www.audibletrial.com/kickassnews. For more information visit www.BrainWarriorsWay.com and learn more about the Amen Clinics at the www.AmenClinics.com. Follow the Amens on Twitter at @DocAmen and @TanaAmen.