EP 239: Dilbert Creator Scott Adams on Persuasion in the Age of Trump
Scott Adams, creator of the Dilbert cartoons, talks about his new book Win Bigly: Persuasion in a World Where Facts Don't Matter. He reveals why facts and ideology no longer matter, why Donald Trump makes what he says are intentional misstatements, and how Trump uses what he calls “linguistic kill shots” to flatten his opponents. He also weighs in why Trump’s "persuasion skills" haven’t been very effective on Congress and whether or not Trump supporters should be insulted at being manipulated by their President. Plus, how to hypnotize anyone, how Scott’s endorsement of Trump impacted his Dilbert readership, and an early prediction for 2020.
Order Scott's book Win Bigly: Persuasion in a World Where Facts Don't Matter on Amazon or download the audiobook on Audible. Visit Scott’s website at www.blog.dilbert.com and follow him on Twitter at @ScottAdamsSays. Today's episode is sponsored by Credit Karma. Please subscribe to Kickass News on Apple Podcasts and take our listener survey at www.podcastlistener.com/KICK.