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Episode 7: Congresswoman Marsha Blackburn on FDA Regulation of Mobile Health and Fitness Apps

Mobile health and fitness apps (also known as m-health apps) have become a $20 billion business. They allow you track your excercise and nutrition, improve your sleep habits, monitor your heart rate, look up symptoms, and perform a myriad other functions to keep Americans healthy and fit. But now the FDA may want to assert regulatory authority over m-health apps which could hurt consumers and slow innovative, live-saving new technology down to a trickle. What's worse, under the 3% medical device tax created to pay for Obamacare, consumers could end up getting taxed both then they download a new m-health app and potentially even every time they download an update to the app. Congresswoman Marsha Blackburn has a bill called the SOFTWARE Act in the House which would seek prevent potential overreach by the F.D.A. Click here to listen to the podcast episode.

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